anime corner store
Voice Actors
An old comic cast
This group was originally what i was going to do for a web comic back in my senior year of high school. Originally it had to do with the girl pictured being a new transfer student to the school and the other two were friends that didn't want to see the "Star football Player" being his 'player' self to this new girl, the two guy were modled after myself and my friend Mike, me being the shorter one with blond hair. My real self acctually like the hair one my character and tried to do it but was unsuccessful until recently to beable to gain the desired results. you'll notice that this character modle is the basses for the character that has become the main charater of two story ideas that I have. This is the picture that started it all for me .... well and MegaTokyo.

Please note that I did NOT get along with our "Star" football player in high school there will be more about this later.
Date Drawing Completed:
Before christmas of '02 not sure when though.